Friday, December 20, 2019

The Target Student With Ebd And Ld - 889 Words

The target student with EBD and LD was working with his classmate and playing bingo. The student was reviewing the multiplication facts. The target student was seated at the back of the classroom, so that he will not distract the entire class. The learning support teacher was standing next to him, encouraging him to play. With her support, the student participated very well during the activity and stayed on task longer with less misbehavior. Unfortunately, when she was absent for a brief time, the student was distracted and did not engage with his classmates. Plus, he kept looking around the room until the learning support came over to help him. Overall, adult support has a significant influence in supporting students with disabilities to be independent learners and be prepared for life outside the school. Results This interview of four teachers and parents showed surprisingly positive feedback about inclusion. Both parents of children with disabilities and non-disabilities had positive attitudes toward inclusion. Parents with non-disabled children said that their children became more educated about other disabilities, more empathetic toward students with disabilities, and also improved their self-esteem. A parent who a child with Autism said that the reason for enrolling her daughter in a general education was that she hopes her daughter to become more social and reduce her disability over time. The majority of general education teachers demonstratedShow MoreRelatedWorking with Students who have Learning Disabilities Essay examples1481 Words   |  6 PagesWorking with Students who have Learning Disabilities Over the past 10 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of students who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities. I need to be aware of how to help those students who have learning disabilities and teach to the best of my ability. I also need to be supportive and understand not every student learns in the same way which is why it is important for me to be flexible in my own style of instruction. I need to be knowledgeable

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Computer Ethics Challenges and Methodologies †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Computer Ethics Challenges and Methodologies. Answer: Introduction Ethics is defined as those things or actions that can be termed to be morally right [1]. This can be viewed in various perspectives under different situations or environment in determining if the actions performed are ethical or not. These behaviors that are examined in order to find out if an action was wrong or right are what are referred to ethical issues. Ethical issues are defined by different environment in which an action is performed [2]. In IT environment there are various ethical characters or habits that are considered in order to ensure that actions or functions are performed well within the defined code of ethics as expected by clients. Identification and Analysis of Scenarios Ethical issue There are various ethical issues arising from scenario three. These issues revolve around the fact that an IT consultant promises more than he can deliver and also manipulating data for his/her own personal gain. The main ethical issues here are: This is an act of being honest in whatever you do [3]. In this case integrity as an ethical issue is based on the honesty of the IT and Security consultant towards his/her client. According to this scenario the client is promised more than can be delivered by the consultant. This raises an issue of honesty. The consultant is not honest since he promises more services that he is able to deliver. This therefore means that the client will be falsely informed only for the final product to be short of what was expected. Honesty therefore as a virtue would have been seen if the consultant would have told the client of his capabilities of what can be done and what cannot be done. Therefore the consultant is not truthful on his service information. This is where one conducts his/her duties without using any deceptive ways towards the client [4]. This issue arises in the scenario where the consultant manipulates the data information for his personal gain. He does this in order to reap more money from the client by rating the cost higher. Also the fact that the consultant promises to deliver everything the client wants is a lie since the consultant does not have the ability to deliver everything as promised. This therefore is an ethical related behavior portrayed by the consultant towards the client. Evaluation and Justification The consultant has compromised his integrity by being dishonest to the client for his personal benefits. This can be deduce as such considering the fact that the consultant promises to deliver everything the client wants even though the consultant does not have the capabilities to deliver everything. Even though this might seem to be right for the consultant business, the whole aspect of lying is unethical as the consultant will deliver shoddy services that do not meet the clients expectations. This action defiles ethics golden rule which states that one should do unto others what he/she wishes others would do to him/her as explained in the virtue ethical theory. This theory explains that ones character would be judged by whatever actions he/she takes [5]. This there paints unethical character of dishonesty possessed by the consultant. This is considered to be an ethical issue in this case since the client has given the consultant the mandate to provide services and the costs incurred by each service. Instead of the consultant providing the normal ratings of each service, the consultant manipulates the information and record higher prices than normal. This is unethical behavior. To uphold trustworthy, the consultant should provide all the information showing all the doable services on making the clients network secure and highlights some of the limitations involved. Even though an action of asking the client to replace their firewalls with those of the different manufacturers or open source might seem right, the motive behind it is wrong. This is because the consultant does this in order to have more money from the client due to regular changes that will happen with open source operating systems. Also a question of safety will arise. Open source operating system or firewalls might not be secure as such but since th e consultant wants to get more money he advices the client to take that route for the consultant personal gain. This shows that the consultant cannot be trusted to deliver quality services and therefore the whole mistrust habits results to unethical behaviors. Conclusion In conclusion, the consultant should uphold integrity and honesty in providing services to clients. This therefore means that one should not use deception for personal gain at a cost of their clients since this result to unethical behavior. References Norberto Patrignani, "Teaching Computer Ethics Challenges and Methodologies.," Uppsala, 2009. Blacks, "What is ETHICAL ISSUE?," Ethical Issues, pp. 1-3, 2011. Federation of European Accountants, "Integrity in Professional Ethics," Federation of European Accountants, EU, Research 2010. Dr. La Jolla, "Making Ethical Decisions: Core Ethical Values," Josephson Institute of Ethics, San Diego, Research 2009. Nafsika Athanassoulis, "Virtue Ethics," Keele University, Research Report 2008.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Business Ethics VS. Military Ethics Essay Example For Students

Business Ethics VS. Military Ethics Essay Business Ethics versus Military Ethics June 18, 2005 Business Ethics versus Military Ethics The ultimate basis for ethics is clear: Human behavior has consequences for the welfare of others. We are capable of acting toward others in such a way as to increase or decrease the quality of their lives. We are capable of helping or harming. What is more, we are theoretically capable of understanding when we are doing the one and when the other. This is so because we have the capacity to put ourselves imaginatively in the place of others and recognize how we would be affected if someone were to act toward us as we are acting toward others (Elder Paul, 2003). There are many types of ethics and many ways to incorporate practices to enforce ethics as well as punish violators of ethics requirements. Two categories of ethics that are similar yet different are ethics in Corporate America and ethics in the United States Air Force (U.S.A.F.). First, we need to understand what ethics are. Ethics contributes to the learning what is right or wrong. Doing the right thing is not as straight forward as conveyed in a great deal of business ethics literature(McNamara, C. 2003, 6). The definition between corporations and the military provides us with a general description of ethics. Are military and corporate ethics different? Business Ethics in Corporate America The Business ethics concept means many things to many different people. It is coming to know what is right or wrong in the workplace and doing what is right this is in regard to effects of products/services and in relationships with stakeholders (McNamara, C. 2003, 8 ). According to Carter McNamara, business ethics is summarized into Two Broad Areas of Business Ethics defined as managerial mischief and moral mazes. (McNamara, C. 2003, 10). The first discussion will be managerial mischief. Madsen and Shafritz, in their book Essentials of Business Ethics (Penguin Books, 1990) further explain that managerial mischief includes illegal, unethical, or questionable practices of individual managers or organizations as well as the causes of such behaviors and remedies to eradicate them (McNamara, C. 2003,10). Business ethics is merely teaches the basics of what is wrong and right. Business ethics is a matter of dealing with situations that have no clear indication of what is wrong or right. Moral mazes of management include the many ethical situations that managers deal with daily. The wrongful use of resources and mismanagement of contracts and agreements, potential conflicts of interest, etc. cause many problems in the workplace. Case Study #1 Contract Conflict of Interests The following case study shows a potential conflict of interest on a contract, and shows how an organization handled identifying and resolving the conflict in a positive way. Alan Rose is a Senior Logistics Analyst with Dynamic Research Corporation, a company that provides logistics analysis as one of its key services. He is currently under contract to support the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program Office performing simulation and analysis of all logistical assets to include Supply, Manpower, and Support Equipment. His company has been under the same general contract for several years. In the last year, the prime contractor has determined there is a requirement to build a separate simulation tool, which will support their supply and supply chain management analysis. This will be separate from the work done under the general contract. The JSF Program Office had established a new contract and Alans company won this contract. The contract required that both teams remain separated and not share data or information. The first attempt at isolating the teams had the first group of analyst move their office from one floor of the building to the other. However, for contract/legal purposes this was not a complete solution. The result determined that the first team would be relocated from their new office location to another company building located several miles away. .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 , .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .postImageUrl , .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 , .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55:hover , .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55:visited , .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55:active { border:0!important; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55:active , .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55 .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf645e393dfd12b2169024193d4606f55:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dialectis on Internet censorchip Essay Ethics in the Military Military ethics is rooted in three Os: owing, ordering, and oughting.(Toner, 2003, 4) Military ethics is about knowing whom and what we owe. Military ethics cannot properly exist without the concept of owing. If we know why we owe what we do, we are able to recognize the obligation, responsibility, and duty .